Signal Timing at Willow and Summer
Willow and Summer
38 second cycle length;
18 seconds (green plus yellow) for Summer St (both directions)
18 seconds (green plus yellow) for Willow Ave
1 second of all red between each phase
Pedestrians cross concurrently with either phase (they cross Willow when Summer is green)
Walking at 2 miles per hour (a slow speed) a pedestrian can travel 53 feet in 18 seconds, so there is enough time provided in each cycle for pedestrians to cross the 33 feet on Willow or the 29.5 feet on Summer safely.
Willow and Highland
19 seconds (green plus yellow) for Highland Ave (both directions)
Willow is actuated by vehicles,
during the PM peak all cycles but one were 23 seconds (green plus yellow), the other was 15 seconds
1 second of all red between each phase
Pedestrians cross concurrently with either phase (they cross Willow when Highland is green). There are also separate pedestrian-actuation buttons at all crosswalks. The pedestrian button was actuated 3 of 10 cycles during the peak, for 15 seconds each
Walking at 2 miles per hour (a slow speed) a pedestrian can travel 40 feet in 15 seconds, so there is enough time provided in each cycle for pedestrians to cross the 33 feet on Willow or the 40 feet on Highland safely.
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