Block Party!
We set up a display at the Willow Avenue Block Party today. We had a large poster of the street with some sample traffic calming devices. We also had a print out of the blog.
People were able to learn about the range of solutions (previously mentioned in the blog) and rate them as desirable or not. We also had a pad out for general comments.
It was an amazingly beautiful day and as soon as the City closed the street the kids took over.
Here are what people said they liked and didn't like for options at each intersection and the corridor as a whole. We're using shorthand here-- the first number is those who liked the idea, the second, those who were neutral and the third those who really didn't like the idea at all--hated it! So for example if the measure is a raised crosswalk and 23 people loved it, one didn't care and one hated it, it would be marked at (23/1/1).
If you are confused about what some of the terms mean, hopefully you will find some good definitions in earlier entries (further down). I tried to put the most popular first and the least popular last. But sometimes it wasn't totally clear.
Elm and Willow Intersection
Curb extensions:
Extending the sidewalk out to the curb (18/0/2)
Colorful paint-- force cars to take a wide turn (9/0/2)
Planters-- see earlier entry for examples (7/1/1)
Planters and paint combined (2/1/0)
Raised Crosswalk 23/1/1
Traffic Signal Changes
All Way Stop (14/0/5)
Roundabout (6/0/6)
Put in traffic lights (2/0/5)
Willow and Summer Intersection
Intersection Treatment
Raised Intersection/ Speed Table (18/0/2)
Dutch crossing -- paint the whole intersection (13/0/2)
Raised Crosswalk (13/0/2)
Curb Extensions
Paint (10/0/2)
Planters (5/2/1)
Planters and Paint (5/2/0)
Extend the sidewalk/ bump out curb (13/0/6)
Traffic Signal Changes (3/0/2)
Pedestrian Walk Lights (11/0/1)
All Way Stop (2/0/5)
No right on red (1/0/11)
Willow: the through street (treatments between the intersections)
Narrowing the travel lane by:
Adding Bike Lanes (19/0/5)
Adding Shared Lane Markings (3/0/3)
Both Bike lanes and shared lane markings (0/0/6)
Consider bike lanes up against the curb (inside parked cars) (1/1/9)
Change the Street back to two way (2/0/17)
People were encouraged to write their comments on flip chart paper. Here's what they had to say. This is unedited from the sheet, so if it makes no sense, I probably can't help you.
Comments on the Flip Chart
- Bike Lane on Elm- Parking one side only
- Trim back trees blocking signal at summer
- More trees
- Wider Sidewalks
- Bury the utility wires
- If contra-flow lane is implemented, the parking spaces on Elm (maybe 1 space on either side of Willow) would have to be made "no pkg" areas.
- Any traffic pattern changes on Willow must consider the surrounding streets
- Trees at corners = slow down cars
- Traffic Lights at intersection of Elm and Policeman
- Additional crosswalk mid block between Elm and Summer
- Raised Crosswalk on Holland Street in Davis Square
- Make Willow 2 way
- Square of Beach Street Intersection (Make cars turn right then left instead of straight through)
- Speed Tables
- Two Way!
If you couldn't make the block party today and would like to comment or vote on the measures (or even if you did make it today and have something more to say), please comment on the blog!
Thank you residents of Willow Avenue!
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