What are some of the problems on Willow Avenue?
We're busy collecting data about what works and doesn't on Willow Ave. David Booth and Melora Rush live on Elm Street near the corner of Willow. David emailed me the following pictures and comments:
The intersection of Willow Avenue and Elm Street and Beech Street (see Figure 1) is hazardous to pedestrians. We have seen a number of accidents – both vehicle and pedestrian -- during the 8 years that we have lived here. There are two main problems:
There is no stop sign for Elm Street traffic at the Willow/Beech intersection, so Elm Street vehicles traveling through the intersection sometimes go quite fast.
Pedestrian crossing of Willow from East to West on the North side of Elm (see Figure 2) is particularly hazardous because:
a. Vehicles traveling West on Elm zoom around the corner onto Willow, partly because it is not a sharp turn, and partly because there is no stop sign.
b. Visibility for these vehicles (and for pedestrians) is often partially obstructed by other vehicles parked in front of Ace Wheel Works on Elm at the corner of Willow.
c. A pedestrian cannot readily watch for vehicles rapidly approaching from behind (on Elm), in addition to watching for vehicles coming from the front (Eastbound Elm) and the left (Beech).

Figure 2: Pedestrian (black dot) trying to cross Willow