Rough Chronicle of Communication with the City Since June 2 Meeting with Mayor Curtatone
Aftermath of October 2009 Accident at Willow and Summer:

March 2010 Crash, Willow and Summer:

4 different neighbors, as well as 3 different members of the original Willow Ave Traffic Group, have sent repeated e-mails to Mayor Curtatone, Stan Koty, Matthew Dias, and others asking for updates on when/if the improvements will be implemented. Here's a rough recap of the replies we've received in the two years since the meeting:
---------- Forwarded message ---------->
Subject: Curb bump out at Elm and Willow, raised intersection at Willow and Summer
Hi Joe --
This is Dan Shugrue checking in from Willow Ave. Melora and I met with you at your office in the Summer of 2008 regarding traffic safety improvements for Willow Avenue, at the intersections of Willow and Elm and Willow and Summer. At the time, you had promised to install a bulb out at Willow and Elm and a raised intersection at Willow and Summer St. Originally we were told the bulb out would happen in the Fall of 08 and the raised intersection in July of '09. When we last spoke you said the city wanted to do both before school started in '09. Neither improvement has been installed to date. Can you or someone on your staff give us an update on the latest schedules and plans?
Thanks and regards,
Reply from the city, Sept 28 2009:
Hi Dan,
I apologize for the delay in my response, but wanted to let you know that I am researching this issue with both the Dept. of Transportation and Infrastructure, and the DPW, and hope to have more information for you tomorrow.
Please don’t hesitate to call with any questions in the meantime.
Jackie Rossetti
Deputy Director of Communications
City of Somerville
Feb 2010:
From: daniel shugrue []
Sent: Sunday, February 28, 2010 9:41 AM
To: Mayor
Cc: Rebekah Gewirtz; Mark Chase;; David Booth; Melora Rush
Subject: Fwd: Curb bump out at Elm and Willow, raised intersection at Willow and Summer
Hi Joe -- I'm writing to get an update from you regarding safety improvement measures to Willow Ave, specifically at Elm and Willow and Elm and Summer. It's been almost two years since we spoke with you at City Hall and enthusiastically endorsed your commitment to safety. (
Since then, at Willow and Elm, I have witnessed the aftermath of 3 car crashes, all of which damaged private property and some of which damaged city property (street signs torn down, firebox completely torn off). I have also personally witnessed several shouting matches between pedestrians and cars, and even more honking and near-misses of passing bicyclists.
The traffic group is excited to finally have our recommendations implemented during this construction season. We understand that plans are being drawn up now for the coming Spring and Fall construction. We'd like to meet with you to find out when Willow Ave will be reconstructed and when these vital safety measures will be implemented.
I am willing to offer my home as a site for a meeting between you, the Willow Ave traffic group, and my neighbors at Willow Ave. Please tell us when we can meet to discuss the upcoming constructions season and specific (when and how) plans to upgrade safety (including a bump out at Willow and Elm and a raised intersection at Willow and Summer).
I look forward to your response.
March 2010:
From: Matthew Dias>
Date: Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 12:20 PM
Subject: RE: Curb bump out at Elm and Willow, raised intersection at>
Good morning, Dan.
Mayor Curtatone has read your email and asked me to reply. I apologize that it has taken us so long to get back to you, and I can understand your frustration with the delay.
However, I am happy to report that traffic calming measures on Willow Ave. is among the Mayor’s highest priority for street reconstruction/renovation this year. The Somerville Department of Public Works has been working throughout the winter with a design consultant on plans to control and mitigate high speed traffic on your street. As a result, a “Willow Ave.” project application was submitted to District 4 of the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MDOT) for raised tables (a traffic calming feature that reduces vehicle speeds) at the intersections of Summer St. and Willow Ave. and Willow and Kidder Ave. Once a decision had been made by MDOT and, assuming successful, raised tables will be installed, as well as bump outs at Willow and Elm Street.
We hope to have this request approved by MDOT in April. However, there are no guarantees; these measure are very costly (approximately $100K each) and the State evaluates each application against a very detailed and specified set of criteria.
That being said, we believe we have made a very strong case for MDOT to approve our application. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact our DPW Commissioner, Stan Koty, at 617.625.6600skpe_highlighting end_of_the_skype_highlighting class="skype_pnh_highlighting_inactive_common"> 617.625.6600 end_of_the_skype_highlighting ext 5100.
Thank you for taking the time to follow up.
March 15 2010:
Dear Mayor Curtatone,
I'm writing to express my concern regarding recent communication from your administration addressing the recommended pedestrian safety improvements on Willow Ave at Elm and Summer streets. The volunteer group on which I served for 12 weeks in the Fall of 2007 recommended several improvements to pedestrian safety on this stretch of Willow. Specifically, Dan Shugrue and Melora Rush met with you and requested a curb bump out at Willow and Summer and a raised intersection at Willow and Elm. At that meeting, you committed to both improvements -- the bump out in June of '08 and the raised intersection before the school year started in Sept of 08. That meeting is documented here:
We hope that you will honor your original commitment.
We also hope that something be done, immediately, to alleviate danger at Willow/Elm and Willow/Summer. Specifically, we hope to see
a) the bump out at Elm, as originally promised, installed before the re-paving of Willow
(Several other neighbors and members of the Willow Ave traffic group sent similar letters).
March 15 2010:
Hi Daniel.
Apologies. After re-reading my email, I think I confused everyone about the Mayor’s approach to traffic calming measures on Willow Avenue.
Indeed, you are correct; regardless of the MASSDOT application, the City plans to construct traffic calming measures on Willow Ave during this calendar year. So there are NO contingencies on our plans. However, due to limited resources, we are, of course, hoping that our application with the State is approved. But again, we plan to construct traffic calming measures on Willow this year, so I apologize for the confusion.
Per your request, I will also look into whether or not residents are able to monitor our application with MASSDOT. I’ll keep you posted.
Please feel free to call me with any questions. I would call myself but I do not have your number. Many thanks,
Matthew J. Dias
Mayor’s Office
City of Somerville
93 Highland Ave.
Somerville, MA 02143
W: (617) 625-6600 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting (617) 625-6600 end_of_the_skype_highlighting ext. 2105
C: (857) 636-8518May 2010:
> Dear Mr. Gilsdorf:
> The City of Somerville is currently out to bid on two street reconstruction
> projects. A third street reconstruction project will be put out to bid in
> July. This third contract will include the raised tables. Once the
> contract is awarded, the street work on Willow Ave. will begin.
> Thank you for your continued patience throughout this process,
> Sincerely,
> Stan Koty
> DPW Commissioner
July 2010:
Dear Mr. Koty --
We understand that a bid for the reconstruction of Willow Ave, including raising tables at Willow/Summer and at Willow/Kidder, and providing a curb bump out at Willow/Elm, is to go out in July. Can you confirm that this bidding process is still on schedule?
Thank you,
Daniel Shugrue
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